Saturday, April 17, 2010

xvii: How can you compete with a pornstar??

Oh, you want to know why I watch porn? Hum, well let me's been how long since you got “the feeling” oh yeah, neither of us can remember! Now you want me to stop watching porn, and why is that?

And I quote “Look at those girls, how can I compete with that?” How can you compete with that?
How can YOU STANDING RIGHT HERE FULLY CLOTHED, compete with that on the screen.
Um I don't know......MAYBE OPEN YOUR DAMN LEGS UP? The only difference I can see between that girl on the screen and you, IS THAT SHE IS ACTUALLY HAVING SEX WITH SOME ONE!

Have you seen what most hardcore porn actresses look like? Bad teethed, uneven eyed, chubby or too skinny, bad nipples, bad hair, straight up ugly?

But millions of men watch and want and get off because they do this strange and mysterious thing called F*****G, AND SUCKING AND ACTING LIKE A NASTY GLITTER PIG!
And that's the ones who don't swallow, like Riley Mason!. Just think how amazing Brittney Madison (God rest her lovely soul) was to a guy, or Lain Oi, or Jamie Elle, or Faith (who once swallowed 18 times in less than thirty minutes), or Keri Sable! Who swallow so much it's beautiful! And you are not competing with anyone, because you are the Star, you simply seem to be in retirement or something. And so if you still don't know how you can compete with that porn star, I guess I can't help you.

Sorry this was a shorter one I had to go the Passover.

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